Volume 10 Number 6
4 Letter from Europe by Daniel Knop
7 Editor’s Page by James M. Lawrence
10 Reef News
24 Rarities by Dr. Dieter Brockmann
32 Catching the Spawn: New SECORE initiative for restoring Pacific coral reefs by Jamie Craggs and J. Charles Delbeek
50 Aggression in the Aquarium by Daniel Knop
56 Understanding and Curbing Piscine Aggression in your Marine Aquarium by Scott W. Michael
66 Diving on the Ari Atoll by Werner Fiedler
72 Hydroids: Simple, Primal Predators by Ronald L. Shimek, Ph.D.
92 Breeding Fiddler Crabs in Captivity — Part 2 by Hans-Georg Rupp
101 A Bright Spot in Belgium — The 630-gallon reef aquarium of Urbain Appletans by Ab Ras
107 Species Spotlight: The Picasso Triggerfish by Daniel Knop
113 Reefkeeping 101: All about plasticizers in aquarium water tubing by Daniel Knop; Kuekenthal’s Cleaner Shrimp by Daniel Knop
118 CORAL Sources: Outstanding aquarium shops
120 Coralexicon: Technical terms that appear in this issue
122 Advanced Aquatics: The benefits of proper acclimation by Michael Paletta
128 Advertiser Index
130 Reef Life: by Denise Nielsen Tackett and Larry P. Tackett